Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recipe of the Week

I'm proud of this one. Actually had a hand in creating this success in the Raw Food/Vegan World. Yeee!!!

Indonesian Kelp Noodle Bowl:

Organic Kelp Noodles
Sweet Chili Sauce (our own recipe)
Bok Choy (Chopped)
Cilantro (Chopped)
Mint (Leaves left whole)
Garnished with Black Sesame Seeds, Strips of Nori, Curled Red Bell Pepper, and again, our own Spicy Paprika Oil drizzle (made of mostly paprika, agave, garlic, and apple cider vinegar)

Be hungry and enjoy :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back To It

Spent waaaayyyy too much time recovering from all the negativity that was 2009.

Back on my selfish tip. Its ME time, bitches! Get with it or get stomped :)

♪ Mya - All About Me ♪

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


When it comes to life, I know for a fact that I'm not living what I was meant to do... Music & Cooking are passions of mine but I was put on this Earth specifically for one aspect...

I was meant to teach and/or be a missionary. Since I was in the 2nd grade, I've known what God wanted for me. I had this teacher, Mrs. Jones. Big eyes, brown skin, always a fresh perm & a fly outfit to match... She rarely talked about what we "needed", according to curriculum or what others said, and always talked about what we "should" know, according to the lives we were living. Even then, I was aware of what really is.

More often than not, we are told one thing when life has taught another. Every now and again we realize what's within us and more so often than not, we move onto the next based on what society makes us think is "real".

My thoughts: Give God all of you. Only then can you see the realness in your life. Whether it be talent, calling, or plan.

I don't think I've spent enough time living out my want to be a Chef. And as much as it makes me happy (beyond belief) to make others happy with my food, its not my need; its not my calling.

One day, your kids will come home saying "My favorite teacher ever is Ms. Jasper..." like I did with Mrs. Jones. And chances are, if I gain word about it, I'll cry like I am now. But to know that that's where I was meant to be makes life actually REAL to me...

In the end, that's all that matters. Live life accordingly :)
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Friday, February 12, 2010

My Love

My love comes rare, hard, & close. I love like people deserve & mentally, I can't comprehend those that don't love as hard as I do. I go in 100% for any and everyone that needs it.

The world could be beautiful if we all loved like we're supposed to.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Based Magazine

I wanna publicly touch on a subject that I promised I would drop a little over a month ago. I've been getting a lot of flack from people, mainly people I don't even know nor want to know, on how things are run down at A couple people who are close to DatBoiBased went a little too far in taking their personal problems and using them through his business to bring him down.

Here's what I have to say. That's my fam. And if you're gonna throw salt on his name, you're doing the same to me and everyone else on the staff as well as our affiliates. If you have personal problems keep them personal so that when I get to writing in my public blog, I don't have to waste my time trying to be discrete about you & your negative situations. Business is business and if you don't like the way business is being done, ignore it and find someone or something else to rag on.

In the end, whats done is done and I plan to leave things be but trust if I'm put into another situation where I have to defend what I believe in, trust, you do not want to see my reaction, I go hard for my people. The End :)