Sunday, April 12, 2009


I spent a lot of my time last week asking hundreds of people one question: "What is your Passion in life?" Sadly, only 4 or 5 people answered the way I wanted them to.

To me, 'Passion' means not only something you love and admire but, something you live, breathe, and do. A lot of people answered with bogusness "skating" "reading" "writing", which could all actually be valid if they were thins you were actually living by. These people were not.

More than 1 person answered my question with the same response, "Music is my passion because it's a part of me". In my mind, music is not a passion. It's too general of a spectrum. Maybe the Guitar or DJing or Instrument Manufacturing is your passion but I really don't think "music" is a passion.

To be quite honest, as much as I would like it to be, nothing about music is my passion. There are things I'm good at and musical ventures I'd like to conquer but, if it was a passion of mine, I'd be rockin my flute in every major venue in the nation right now and every one of my friends that are actually good would have deals right now.

The point I'm trying to get at is this: What really is your passion? What is your calling in life? What were you meant to do and are you doing that now?

As for me, I know what my passion is. I know it's what I was put on this Earth for. No, I'm not fully enveloped in it yet but, I'm a work in progress. and I hope you all are too.


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