Friday, June 26, 2009

The loss of a dream

I'm about to get incredibly real on you people right now. Bare with me...

Ever since I was about 6 years old, I've had the same dream; I was going to record a song with Prince, Janet Jackson, and Michael Jackson.

Growing up in music, singing my whole life in the choir, having my dad be one of the BIGGEST in Gospel music, I thought my life was paved in this path. However, today was a really hard day for me. With the passing of Michael Jackson, I found myself asking multiple times, "What am I going to do with myself??". Its a hard concept to grasp, for someone other than myself, as to why I'm taking this so hard but this was something that I looked forward to; something I dreamed and hoped would actually come true. If anything, Michael Jackson was THE ONE that made me believe anything was possible if you worked hard enough for it.

This guy worked and trained, and was practically "bred" for this industry. Hands down, there is no one greater. Dancing, performing, creating, improving. There are a lot of great people in the world but here's how I look at it: out of all the greats that have ever lived, how many people responded to them like they did Michael Jackson?? I mean, there are starving children in Africa; with no food, no television, clothes, or radio. But a GRIP of them know who Michael Jackson is. That's a true artist, a genuine Human Being, and Humanitarian.

Anyone who truly knows me know how much my heart goes out to the children of the world; fortunate or not. I don't know what it is but I know what I was put on this Earth for. I've known this since I was 6, about the same time I realized just how great MJJ was/is.

I was put on this Earth to be some form of connection between children and the world. A Missionary, a Teacher. Someone to help them strive for the best and to show them how amazing they really are. Through whatever format comes about, that's what I need to be doing and there's nothing that it going to hold me back from that.

Hopefully my Prince and Janet Jackson dream will still come true (I've kinda even molded my mind state and life in the image of Janet. I love her and she amazes me). We'll see how that goes because music is not my sole forte but it is something I've always dreamed. I plan to continue to work hard to make this happen and if it doesn't, Michael's passing has made me realize that maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

Love and cheers and prayers and blessings to you all.

August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

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