Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Morning Movie Reviews

As most of you may know, I'm a music head. I tend to not watch very movies, especially in theaters. I take up 3 seats, lay down, fall asleep and/or talk through the entire thing. I am THAT friend. (If you plan on asking me out on a date, don't suggest a movie, you'll never invite me out again)

So here I am with 2 very late movie reviews: Precious & The Blind Side.

Golden Globe Award Winning (Best Supporting Actress went to Mo'Nique). It's up for 6, count 'em, 6 Oscars; Best Film, Best Actress, Best Supporting actress, Best Editing, Best Writing Based on Material Previously Produced or Published & Best Directing.

Clearly this film is not going unnoticed by the Academy and has gotten a lot of buzz and great reviews from the popular crowd. Unfortunately, I'm not apart of either. In my opinion, the movie wasn't very special. Yes, it was different & heart-wrenching, & I'm glad that I'm not in Precious' situation and it does make me grateful for what I have but that's about it. I feel like the nature of the film was overplayed. I didn't read the book but I'm pretty sure there was a lot less cursing & a lot more "real-life" content than the movie brought to life.

I also didn't think Mo'Nique's performance was exceptional by any means. When discussing it with a friend, he used the word "Brilliant" to describe her performance. "That last scene made you feel sorry for her even though she was a monster but she wasn't actually a monster, she was just sick. She's got the nominations to prove it". Sorry but I disagree. Yes she did play her part well but I want greatness. I want you to blow me off my feet & do something that no one else can do before I give you an award above all the rest.

Had this movie come out 3-5 years ago, I don't think it would have done as well. Like music, the caliber of films out right now are not as great as they've been in the past. I'm tired of entertainment being made just to draw people in. I didn't see Avatar (that'll be on the next review) but I feel like James Cameron made it with the intention of showing his vision/point of view regardless of the outcome, unlike Precious where I feel like it was put out to push the book, show a story, and apply to the masses. Everyone is drawn to a sad story, it's like singing a Gospel song in your American Idol audition; how do you publicly deny faith & religion??

Either way, if you haven't seen this film, I won't reccommend it but go check it out if you feel the need and chances are, you'll disagree with me but, c'est la vie.

The Blind Side
First up, I have to say that I'm a sucker for true stories. Chances are, I'll like any movie based on a true story. I'm a realist, I like reality. But regardless of my personal feelings, we're talking opinions here. I liked this film. It felt real & genuine. Won a Golden Globe (Best Actress by Sandra Bullock) which I felt was well deserved yet not well earned. Not super exceptional about her performance but she is one of my top favorite actresses and she did do a really good job. Maybe I expect too much from high paid actors but, don't try to impress me doing something that I can do too.

Moving on, it's up for Best Motion Picture & Best Actress by the Academy (Oscars) and I hope Sandra wins it again because the category is VERY forgiving this year. Either she or Meryl Streep is gonna take it, point blank. However, I will say this, if anyone deserves an award for this movie, it's Jae Head, the kid that plays S.J. It cracks me up when kids can act cause that's a true gift & talent in children should NEVER go unnoticed. Also, Tim McGraw surprised me. I'm a huge Country Music fan and he can actually act so yay! for him.

Anyways. The movie is about an inner city kid, Michael Oher, that gets into a private school & changes the lives of a family that takes him in & helps change his life. True rags to "riches" story, yada yada.

Funny in a lot of parts, heart warming in plenty of others. Good directing, and the fact that so many NCAA Football coaches took the time out to be in the movies makes you realize how true the film is to it's original story. In the end, I really like this film and if you haven't seen it, check it out for yourself.

Happy Sunday folks!

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