Sunday, August 29, 2010

Though I’m barely at the start of my coking tour, I must say… My greatest gift to other people is still music. I know that cooking isn’t my calling. I know that I’m currently living a life I chose through love rather than the life that was chosen for me through calling. Sometimes, I’ll be temping out the Buffet and not notice how hard I’m rocking out to the song in my head. A random person, whether it be a coworker or a guest, will ask me what I’m dancing to and I’ll tell them. That feeling is a lot greater than the salad bar I spent hours prepping and setting out for them to destroy.

I find greater joy in spreading music than food. Both are Universal so I still get this high when I can give either to the world. But I will forever remember the little girl with her shoes on the wrong feet, asking me which Jonas Bro song I was singing more so than the guy who asked me what French Toast was and how I made it.

Don’t get me wrong, people enjoying my food is one of the greatest feelings in the world. But there’s something about how I grew up & live my life that brings me back to the genuinity of music. The number 1 true Universal Language, the way most people bring themselves together.

As a Chef and a nurturer, I hope that the food I produce brings together many walks of life within harmony on one common goal: to enjoy what I provide. However, I hope that the soundtrack to that meal is one that they’ll never forget. Something that will change them; music that will bring them to life just as much as my amazing food will.

Keep music alive, be true to you, and Stay Hungry!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

Was this that what it is?!

Today was one of the best days I’ve had at this place. Woke up, cashed my check, ran some North Rim errands, and while in the general store I ran into Ashley & Rachel who gave me a ride back to our dorms and we started a dance party.

That dance party turned into shots of Jack and table dancing in the pouring rain. I felt so alive and free. Just to have no cares nor worries; it’s just you, the music, in the rain. Ahhh!

So after I got too wasted for comfort, I took a nap and now, here I am. I have never been hung over the same day I got smashed. It’s an odd feeling. I’m wide awake and tired at the same time. I just wanna write and enjoy time to myself. Tried to hang out with people but it was very unamusing and unfulfilling. Like the high I was on before made everything else seem so dull.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I think this is just a sign that being alone for a bit has probably been long overdue. Either way, today was a beautiful experience. Seriously, drunk dancing in the rain in the Grand Canyon. Not everyone gets to live this. I love that this is my life.

The Dream – Walking on the Moon

Stay Hungry, dear friends!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crunk Drunk

I have no real sense of time nor reality…

Tonight, me and a few of my favorite people had a drunken music celebration in an open field a few hundred yards from our dorms. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so content with life as I am now. I love just being; existing freely. Tonight was a good night.

And here I am, drunk more than I should be. Telling a friend I love them *cause I really do fucking love this girl* and her response being. “Love you too. You're so cute and so butch”. It made me laugh. I’m not a lesbian but don’t let my plaid shorts fool ya! Jahahha!

Anyways, I’m getting too crunk for typing so I will finish with the point of this blog. I love myroomies! Allison is kinda like the friend I always wanted. So open and free within herself yet so “sheltered” from the world like I am. And then there’s Jen; free spirited, willing, able to control every drunk on this mountain and still getting wasted and enjoying life on her terms. I love them too much. 96% of what I’m going to miss come October is those two.

Then there’s Kyle & Lamar. For one, I’ve barely met any Native Americans in my life. Then these 2 pop up and its like ‘WOAH!’ Black Rob status. Natives can’t handle their liquor nor their sexual tendencies but it’s funny to me. For second, my favorite people to be around when I'm drunk is Jen & Kyle. They’re so happy & fun yet then can chill and enjoy the moment and I love that about them. Makes me so comfortable while we’re wasted cause I'm usually so uptight.

So there, that’s that. That's all I had to say. I love most of them people I’m surrounded by and I love how good I feel right now. I’m not stupid, no one else is being stupid. Were just chill and the one thing I needed in my life was to learn how to relax. I love that I’m learning all that here right now.

In the mean time, stay sober, stay blessed, and Stay Hungry. Besos!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


So as I’m revising my last blog, like 45 minutes ago, I start to smell an overwhelming amount of smoke. Being in a dorm on the 1st floor near the entrance/exit doors, I just assumed it was someone having a fag outside my window. Pero no. Some people here thought it would be a good idea to light up a grill and cook a single (SINGLE) hot dog indoors.

I don’t get the nerve of people. I’m down for having fun and doing what makes you feel good but a lot of times, I feel like a 50 year old trapped in a young gorgeous chick’s body. I instantly turn into parent mode. I want to scold people and make them suffer their consequences and learn from their mistakes. If the dude that started this “Lets smoke up the entire building” gig wasn’t my MJJ twin lover in life, I’d probably be ratting him out right now.

It’s so rude to not consider others. A lot of the reason why I get so screwed over in life, love, and friendships is that I am constantly thinking of how other people would react and/or feel in everything I do while most others tend to only think of themselves in these various situations. Yes, I like to party, I love loud music and causing ruckus. But if my room mate is sleeping, I keep it down. If it’s after hours, I stay pretty mild within reason. When I wanna do something that may not work for others, I find alternatives to satisfy myself while pacifying everyone else. Not many people have the same views on respect as I do and I totally get that. What I don’t get is why more people don’t think and act as I do. I’m not perfect but hot damn, I’m a pretty good person. I don’t understand those that don’t strive to be good people in life.

In the end, I’m sitting outside, in the rain, yet again, blogging to yall and trying to save my lungs from massive amounts of chemical infused smoke. Gotta be up in 5 hours to hit St. George for some shopping and mischief but for now, I’m gonna enjoy the fresh air, clean rain, and Whodini.

Love someone. Give respect. Stay Hungry.

2:10am update: I just got investigated by security as to what the problem was and who was/is involved. I’m not going down for other people’s problems. Sorry if you get screwed over but I’m nobody’s bitch. And Shakira’s ‘La Tortura’ ft. Alejandro Sanz just came on. I’m gonna rock out and not worry about other people’s problems. “Sorry” :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


A lot of amazing things have happened to me within the last few months. I learned a new trade (Raw Food) moved out of my parents house, got to see my great G’ma hit 100 years, & I’m steadily re-finding myself everyday. I’ve learned what real friends are and am even more happy with the ones that didn’t work out due to the fact that I was happy then but I’m even more happy now.

Moving to the GC has completely changed my perspective on life. I now look at my familiar pictures and it’s all a memory, a good memory. All the negative that I was stuck in for 08/09 has been forgotten and all I see is the good. I miss my cat but can’t fully remember having her around. I miss my friends but the fun we had is no longer a fun lifestyle but a fond memory. I’m so happy for that. It makes me appreciate life now so much more.

I used to be a total optimist. The last few years took that away from me. I was lost, angry, sad, depressed for a reeeaaalllyyy long time. However, now, I am that happy person I used to be; the one who always saw the light in every situation. Not saying I don’t get down every once in a while but, I no longer see the bad before the good. I no longer dwell on all the wrong going on. I love this me, this me I used to be.

I have no idea where I’m going next in life but I know that God has a plan for me. And just because I don’t know that plan does not mean it’s not going to work out for me. Yeah, I’m stuck in a position that I didn’t apply for. Yeah, I wish I was cooking a lot more than I am. But I feel like this is just putting me in a position to obtain a lot more than jumping into my goal would’ve allowed.

I now know that not everything in life needs to be forced; I don’t need to schedule and plan everything as I did before. I’m more open to just letting things happen as they should and I thank God for that kind of peace.

Thanks for reading. Bless you all who have supported and been there with me since the beginning. Until next time, Stay Hungry!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Overdue Update

Been MIA for a slick minute but I'm baaaaaaack!!

Life is fantastic. Just to catch yall up to speed, I moved to the Grand Canyon, North Rim. It's a huge change from LA but I'm LOVING it. Everyone here is amazing and I get to cook a lot more than my last job. Anyways, here's a few flicks to show you what life has been like for the past month and a half. Enjoy!

Entrance to the Park

This is every single night for us

Huevos Rancheros. Yummy!!

GC Chillin

View from atop :)

I love that I get to live this every single day.

PS: Make sure you folks check out for my blog, a few others, as well as a ton of other content you need. Until next time, besos!!